Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Paralegals
It is mandatory for attorneys to comply with the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct (Rules). These Rules are essentially a code of ethics and define a lawyer’s professional and personal responsibility. Likewise, a paralegal must follow and abide by the same ethical Rules as an attorney. NALA, The Paralegal Association (NALA) […]
Every Florida attorney knows the rule that any party seeking attorneys’ fees must serve a motion no later than thirty (30) days after the filing of a judgment, including a judgment of dismissal, or the service of a motion of voluntary dismissal, which judgment or notice concludes the action as to that party.[1] But … […]
Building Your Dream: Is A Lawyer Really Necessary?
“Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson For those of us with a passion for horses, home is not always where the heart is . . . home is where the horse is. […]
Afraid of Lawyers? I am.
This article is designed to help you understand how to enjoy the time you spend dealing with an attorney versus allowing the experience to turn into the horror story so many people expect it would be. Okay, “enjoy” may be overstating it a bit. After all, when dealing with an attorney you are typically dealing […]
OSHA – Oh Sh . . . oot
You are showing a colleague the photographs from your vacation to Big Sky Country, still relishing in the sounds of silence and the intoxicating scent of ponderosa pine you left just yesterday, and in walks an OSHA representative welcoming you back with a Citation and Notification of Penalty. The story, however, does not start or […]
COVID 19: The Ultimate Force Majeure?
Today’s world is looking slightly different than it used to. Nowadays, it is “normal” to see people wearing masks, face coverings, and gloves while doing their grocery shopping, and in some places, it is a requirement. It is “normal” for an outbreak of hysteria to form over the last package of toilet paper or cleaning […]
They Cannot Silence You — Unless You Let Them
Around Here We Call it Independence Day
Rick Haskins Runs for Mayor of Key West
At Zinzow Law we believe it is our patriotic duty to make our voices heard at the ballot box, but also to support exceptional candidates who vie for public office with the promise of honoring the traditions of America, making her strong, and continuing her beliefs. Our dear client Rick Haskins, a successful businessman in […]