Podcast: Construction Law & Litigation with Justin Zinzow ABC Florida Gulf Coast
Justin Zinzow Joins the Blueprints & Banter Podcast with ABC Florida Gulf Coast Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn
Justin Zinzow Joins the Blueprints & Banter Podcast with ABC Florida Gulf Coast Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn
FTC Non-Compete Ban: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and Strategies to Blunt its Impact I. Introduction On May 7, 2024, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) published its final rule declaring all existing non-compete agreements unfair competition and making them unenforceable, with very limited express exceptions. The rule becomes effective on September 4, 2024. […]
New laws to live by – Florida In his inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson said that “[a] wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has […]
While Easter, Easter Eggs, and the Easter bunny grab headlines in secular circles, Christ’s Crucifixion on Good Friday merits more than a little attention. What does it mean for us? Romans 6:23 teaches us that the penalty for sin is death, but God, through his Son Jesus Christ, gave us an immeasurable gift. So that […]
Your Resource for Changing Laws: Construction & Development Our state capitol in Tallahassee may seem like a world away, but as they say, all politics is local. Change in Tallahassee brings change to your doorstep. Just finishing its second week of legislative session, things are moving swiftly and more flexibly as Governor DeSantis campaigns to […]
Justin R. Zinzow speaks to NUCA Florida about Claims Preservation Whether it is a right to compensation, change order, time extension, or otherwise, it cannot be relegated just to legal professionals or litigation proceedings. By the time construction professionals reach a lawyer, a substantial portion of claims preservation requirements have already been triggered. Construction professionals […]
New laws to live by – Florida In his first Inaugural Address, President Thomas Jefferson said that “a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread […]
How Florida Septic Regulations Affect Homeowners: 4 Things you need to know. By: Karen Leonardo, Real Estate & Closing Attorney at Zinzow Law. The below information is designed to help Florida Realtors and Homeowners learn about proposed government regulations and how they can hinder the sale of an existing home or the construction of a […]
Deadline Looming – Claim Your Homestead Exemption In Yesteryears, it was sweat and back-breaking hard work that allowed your name to be put on the deed to the 160 acres you could call a homestead, but those days are many decades in the past. Today, however, the homestead has a slightly different meaning. You may […]
Proposed Legislative Changes to 558 & the Statute of Repose America’s Founders in 1776 desired change – change in their government and the laws affecting them and their businesses. They used the power of the pen to craft a representative government where positive change could be made by those willing to serve at the forefront […]